SBS Going Green

SBS Going Green

Don’t worry we aren’t changing the dashing blue and yellow company colours to green anytime soon. However, Smith Brothers are introducing more green initiatives to help reduce wastage and greenhouse gases within the company. Since the declaration of zero carbon emissions by 2050 set by the Prime Minister, the company thought it was more important than ever to start putting green schemes in place across the 15-depot network to help reach this goal.


Throughout the company we have actioned the following:

  • Purchasing Hybrid Cars
  • Installation of EV Charging Points
  • Packaging tape which can reduce plastic by up to 30%
  • Bike to Work scheme
  • Paperless technology for customers
  • Silver FORS Accreditation
  • Aluminium Bottles

Hybrid Cars

These cars produce significantly lower average emissions from the traditional petrol and diesel cars, so SBS has started to invest in hybrid vehicles. The CEO and MD of the business lead the way by both driving hybrids, setting the standards from the top.

EV Charging Points

Our most recent relocated branch, Rainham (London East), have built six EV charging points at the branch. This happened to be the biggest single installation within the area (to date) and will help to service the fleet of hybrids.

SBS Branded Tape

SBS are always looking at ways to reduce waste and our branded tape is no different. The new tape helps reduce plastic and CO2 emissions while still giving optimal performance. Plastic wastage has become a serious issue since the exposed truth about plastic pollution from the David Attenborough documentary, Blue Planet 2.

Bike to Work Scheme

From 2019 staff at SBS have been able to purchase a bike through a cycle scheme. This initiative encourages staff to follow a healthier lifestyle, promoting exercise and the use of greener transportation rather than the car for the commute to work. While possibly improving fitness levels it can help reduce carbon emissions of our workforce.

Paperless Technology

Using technology to our benefit is so important, where possible reduce waste by offering paperless (electronic) deliveries. Such advancements can decrease our demand which can them help with the deforestation effort.

Silver FORS Accreditation

With our fleet of vehicles we continually focus on reducing our CO2 emissions, making where possible vehicles conform to both the ‘low emission zone’ and ‘ultra low emission zone’ administered by Transport for London, and expanding to other major cities such as Leeds and Birmingham in 2020. Look out for the FORS sticker when you next see an SBS vehicle.

Aluminium Bottles

At present just 43% of the 13bn plastic bottles sold each year in the UK are recycled, and 700,000 become litter each day. We now have SBS water bottles available at our London branches to assist in reducing that 700,000 number from growing further by encouraging our customers to use refillable bottles.