The new Smith Brothers Product Guide is out now!

The new Smith Brothers Product Guide is available now! It gives readers a snapshot of our vast supply chain, showcasing the tens of thousands of products available from SBS. There is something to suit all HVAC applications!

Product Information

With products from over 100 suppliers listed, we have the brochures into nine simple categories to make the brochure easier to navigate:

  • Metal Pipe Systems
  • Plastic Pipe Systems
  • Valves
  • Drainage
  • Commercial Heating and Plant
  • Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
  • Ancillaries and Consumables
  • Renewables
  • Tool Hire

Each category is then expanded further to give more detail. If ever you require more information regarding any SBS product, our knowledgeable staff members are always on hand to help.

Vital industry statistics:

A Vital Stats section is also included within the Product Guide. From pipe systems applications to flange charts, jointing guides, and comparison tables, this section contains essential industry statistics that help answer those everyday queries. All the information is sourced from manufacturers and leading industry organisations, such as the BMFTA.

Back by popular demand, we have also developed a standalone mini–Vital Stats Guide for customers to take with them on the go to refer to as and when needed.

How to obtain a copy

Pick up your copy of the new SBS Product Guide today by visiting your local trade counter, speaking to your SBS representative, or downloading a digital copy here.

Other new literature

In addition to the New Product and the Vital Stats guides, SBS has recently released the literature described below, each curated to enrich our customers’ understanding of various product offerings:

  • CORE Pipe Support BrochureDiscover CORE’s comprehensive range of pipe support products available to support the installation of both metal and plastic pipe systems.
  • Aquatechnik UK brochure– Learn about Aquatechnik’s Safety-Pol range. An MLCP system which adopts a unique jointing process, adopting a flaring to expand the bore of the pipe to allow an easy yet secure connection whilst maximising the flow rate.